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Welcome to the Intensive Therapy Module for students of the Postgraduate Specialization in Medical Clinic under the UNR.


It consists of 66 activities (132 teaching hours in total) and is taught by specialists in the field with extensive teaching and care experience.


Each programmed activity takes 90 minutes, the first 60 minutes are used for the presentation of the topic and the next 30 for the formative evaluation. The latter consists of 10 multiple-choice questions about relevant concepts of which the student must answer 6 correctly to pass the activity.


Students will credit the MMC directly with 60% or more of the approved activities. Those who do not reach this number but have passed at least 50%, will be able to make up the classes necessary to accredit.

Students who have less than 50% of the approved activities must complete the module again, for which they may re-enroll in the Postgraduate Secretariat of the Medical Clinic Mrs. Daniela Repetti , until June 30, without this last requirement they will not be able to attend.


Dr. Nicolás Rocchetti



More information about:

Classes 2020-21

Final evaluation 2020-21

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